The Golden Gate’s elusive bridge song

I can at last claim to have heard the Golden Gate Bridge sing its wondrous new song, though I’m still frustrated by lack of a decent recording. Here are some much-augmented mobile-phone recordings.
a sonic challenge

…in which we also post a retread and a promise… My pal Dave Hood recently left me some tips about how to approach the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct to get a field recording.
Bay Bridge Assay 2

…in which we try again…with extended reach! Bay Bridge Assay 2—our second visit to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge—took place on March 19, 2016. My primary objective was to collect some actual cable samples; secondary was to introduce Jacob to yet another bridge. As mentioned in Bay Bridge Assay 1, safety barriers prevented me from […]
my T Rex dreams

…in which our our grasp exceeds our natural reach. In our last installment, my quarry escaped because my arms were too short. Thanks to safety railings and other impediments placed to ensure public well-being by well-meaning civil engineers, the objects of our auditory desire are often out of reach. The long—and short—of it is we […]
Bay Bridge Assay 1

2015-11-05: Bay Bridge Assay 1, our first visit to the new span with mic and camera. My friend Martin and I conducted wikiGong’s first recording of the new eastern span of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge in November 2015. I’d wondered about the Bay Bridge for a while: after the Golden Gate, it seemed like […]
filmredigering, Stockholm

…in which we work on our upcoming roadshow…from the road. Deadlines come in many forms, but the only ones that absorb my full attention these days seem to be performances. Since these are usually far away from the studio, readiness involves getting the media files done well in advance—or at least a bit ahead of […]
editsville in transit

…in which we toil over the inner harbor channel with mouse and camera. Transit is one act of our A LOT 2014 presentation the Floating Bridge of Dreams. It was initially envisioned as the opening act, and might still turn out to be…assuming we can overcome our fear of daylight. That’s because our 6:30 evening […]
posters, get yer wikiGong posters!

…in which we prepare our usual media blitz. If Long Beach A LOT 2014 is anything like 2013, these aren’t really the final posters. Last year’s dates, venue, and lineup all changed and we couldn’t have predicted the outcome of an autumn equinox show by the end of July (this year, “October” starts in September, […]
found, unsought

…in which… Serendipity. A word learned from my father on a—very rare!—fishing expedition in a rented boat. On a more typical Saturday, we’d be flying in a rented Cessna 150 somewhere over the Miami-Whitewater Forest in southwestern Ohio, or waiting around on the ground, or just hanging with the neighbors. But once in a while, […]
and back on the GDB

…in which *** SPOILERS *** Saturday, July 12, found Jacob and Dave out on the Gerald Desmond Bridge again in Long Beach, doing what we do: listening to lampposts, taking photos and video of infrastructure and plastic manikins, impromptu interviews with the Port of Long Beach Harbor Patrol. Our Saturday morning adventures were followed by […]