found, unsought
…in which… Serendipity. A word learned from my father on a—very rare!—fishing expedition in a rented boat. On a more typical Saturday, we’d be flying in a rented Cessna 150 somewhere over the Miami-Whitewater Forest in southwestern Ohio, or waiting around on the ground, or just hanging with the neighbors. But once in a while, […]
WordPress…civilization…where will it end?
…in which we consider our third—or is it our fourth?—makeover…. Some time last year the various web and cultural planets I follow—perfunctorily, even lazily, I have to admit—came into alignment. I had an epiphany about the work we’re doing here at That is, an epiphany about our web page, not about the various things […]
pretty but dangerous
…in which we ponder WordPress, Web 2.0, and brinkmanship. Let’s take them in reverse order…. Brinkmanship. Sucks. But enough about the US debt ceiling, Congress, and network news. While the world ground down its own axle on this self-parody of US braggadocio, I was busy trying to get Google Analytics working again after the site […]
a new day, a new tool
…in which we contemplate what it is to blog. A bit over two years into this experiment, we’ve started to recognize how some of our habits fit into the Web 2.0 Zeitgeist. For example, a significant part of what we–the site admins here at–are doing online is blogging: talking about our projects, thought patterns, […]
a minor update
…in which we make a few minor corrections and add a bibliography. Well, books are still good and we’ve returned to the library to check a few of our previously posted “facts.” That doesn’t mean we’re about to change the name of the site; it’ll do. But there is now a bibliography and some proper […]
wikiGong countdown
…in which we breathe deeply in rapt anticipation. Eight months in the making…or is it twenty years? wikiGong is about to launch…. Back in the Eighties I was a member of one or more of the disintegrating-reintegrating electronic/rock/blues bands — it really was hard to tell how many — that percolated on one particular Midwest […]