Temporary Loss of Faculties Take 3
A brief send-up of academic life with Harry Castle (TX synth, computer programs), Rebecca Ayer (viola), and Dave Ayer (vocals, tape delay).
©1990 D A Ayer, Rebecca Ayer, and Harry Castle
Temporary Loss of Faculties Take 4
Another take. The performance at the NIU Composition Faculty Recital was not successfully recorded. What we have is these preparatory sessions. Harry liked Take 3 better.
©1990 D A Ayer, Rebecca Ayer, and Harry Castle
Defenestration Take 01
A sound experiment with Rebecca Ayer on viola using a Schertler dynamic pickup, through Dave’s time machine loop setup and voice-over. A completely impromptu session recorded Memorial Day 2009.
2009 Rebecca Ayer and D A Ayer
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Almost all other audio files on this site are licensed more liberally under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you do re-use the work, please contact us or comment with a trackback to your new composition to announce what you’ve done. We moderate all comments daily and will be happy to link back!