rewriting history
We come in peace.
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our next overhaul
We’ll soon port most of our sound libraries to other sites, dump unused platform features, and get back to field exploration.
the rhetoric of equestrian bronzes
…in which we start installing the power plant and have a few more bright ideas. Jacob and I have been getting around to installing ccHost — the server engine behind ccMixter — on the wiki site for the last two weeks, in between everything else we’ve both been doing. Slow but steady seems to be […]
we are wikied
…in which we admit to a two week obsession and release the hounds. Well, the wiki will celebrate its second week anniversary Sunday. We’ve been dumping much of our spare time into learning the MediaWiki markup language, resizing photos, and re-outlining outlines. The great thing is that it works, and from all over the world […]
the wiki is coming! the wiki is coming!
…in which we find ourselves once again about to cross over. We installed MediaWiki on the site host this past Saturday (scripts on GoDaddy made this trivial). No easy link to the wiki exist on the main page as yet because we’re too busy to set the necessary policies. Even if no one is really […]
fixing links and pondering wiki
…in which we discover some cc links pointing to null pages. How embarrassing. The link “David Ayer” in the gongs cc attribution actually pointed to nothing at all. So much for suavely pointing recursively back to the site. And it happened twice! This upload should fix it for now. And it appears the tools required […]
site prep and *woah!* Ts & Cs
…in which our webmaster buys a site hosting upgrade. OK, that was scary. We almost had advertising. No free hosting here, no way. The usual caveats about free lunch apply, blah, blah. And navigating the legalese surrounding one’s web hosting agreement is yet another matter. But we have now succeeded in activating those assets purchased […]