a sonic challenge

…in which we also post a retread and a promise… My pal Dave Hood recently left me some tips about how to approach the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct to get a field recording.
Bay Bridge Assay 2

…in which we try again…with extended reach! Bay Bridge Assay 2—our second visit to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge—took place on March 19, 2016. My primary objective was to collect some actual cable samples; secondary was to introduce Jacob to yet another bridge. As mentioned in Bay Bridge Assay 1, safety barriers prevented me from […]
Bay Bridge Assay 1

2015-11-05: Bay Bridge Assay 1, our first visit to the new span with mic and camera. My friend Martin and I conducted wikiGong’s first recording of the new eastern span of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge in November 2015. I’d wondered about the Bay Bridge for a while: after the Golden Gate, it seemed like […]
that time of year again

…in which we apply for the tenth and final Long Beach SoundWalk…. As of today, we’ve only sent in our proposal, along with this image based on Jacob’s photo. Our inspiration is to get back to wikiGong’s primary mission and present something at SoundWalk 2013 once again involving field recordings of massive infrastructure. The result […]
terrible twos
…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]
the rhetoric of equestrian bronzes
…in which we start installing the power plant and have a few more bright ideas. Jacob and I have been getting around to installing ccHost — the server engine behind ccMixter — on the wiki site for the last two weeks, in between everything else we’ve both been doing. Slow but steady seems to be […]
preparing for the next assay
…in which we consider scrubbing the upcoming mission for health reasons. Well, it’s time for the next assay of the Golden Gate Bridge. The crew this time out will be Jacob J. L. “Jake” Dickinson on still photography, documentation, and personal protection with Dave Ayer once again over-focused on audio sampling. The weather forecast looks […]
checkin’ in
…in which we spend our time upgrading tools rather than our content. Well, it’s been a month of web stats and we remain a sleepy little site, a largely undiscovered country. After downloading a few web tools, including Google’s, and submitting sitemaps for crawling, we can see that we’re…well, crawled, but hardly popular. That’s OK. […]