The making of Military Sea Life: Recruits!

…in which wikiGong dives once again into turbulent waters with phog masheeen for an artist-curated video sound event under the aegis of soundpedro2022.
Posting a little New Abalonia video

…in which we gild a recent lily…
Breath of Heaven is a meditation on air and water first shown June 4 at soundpedro2022 in southern California.
editsville in transit

…in which we toil over the inner harbor channel with mouse and camera. Transit is one act of our A LOT 2014 presentation the Floating Bridge of Dreams. It was initially envisioned as the opening act, and might still turn out to be…assuming we can overcome our fear of daylight. That’s because our 6:30 evening […]
and back on the GDB

…in which *** SPOILERS *** Saturday, July 12, found Jacob and Dave out on the Gerald Desmond Bridge again in Long Beach, doing what we do: listening to lampposts, taking photos and video of infrastructure and plastic manikins, impromptu interviews with the Port of Long Beach Harbor Patrol. Our Saturday morning adventures were followed by […]
WordPress…civilization…where will it end?

…in which we consider our third—or is it our fourth?—makeover…. Some time last year the various web and cultural planets I follow—perfunctorily, even lazily, I have to admit—came into alignment. I had an epiphany about the work we’re doing here at That is, an epiphany about our web page, not about the various things […]
the last SoundWalk

Well, there we were…as always, right where we weren’t supposed to be…at SoundWalk 2013 in Long Beach. Back near our starting point, actually, over on 3rd Street between Elm Ave. and Long Beach Blvd. For three of the last four years we’ve been within a few doorways of the same spot. Igor Amokian was out […]
SoundWalk 2012: crowdsourcing the post-production
We got a little behind posting media for our Long Beach SoundWalk 2012 project. Here are some other peoples’ take(s)…
the GGB turns seventy five
…in which history repeats itself…. Couldn’t let the day go by without noting the event, though thousands of others have marked it already. A few of my favorites: Golden Gate Bridge Opening May 27, 1937 Pedestrian Walk Golden Gate Bridge Under Construction Golden Gate Opus with the Marin Symphony The SF Chronicle’s take
an epic day

…in which we direct, and are directed. With only three weeks to go until SoundWalk 2011, my signature piece Where Is My Future needed a final content infusion. This weekend, Becky and I set out to gather the second video installment in preparation for production, and got more than we bargained for. I’ll try to […]
at last, a little fun
…in which we lose our YouTube virginity. Thanks, Robin! Let’s see if that works…. We’ve replaced the old video embed with a YouTube player and playlist. You’ll note the video had to be re-edited to get down to under-ten-minute segments, so there’s a break between the two sections that hopefully won’t be too annoying. Well, […]