Bay Bridge Assay 2
…in which we try again…with extended reach! Bay Bridge Assay 2—our second visit to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge—took place on March 19, 2016. My primary objective was to collect some actual cable samples; secondary was to introduce Jacob to yet another bridge. As mentioned in Bay Bridge Assay 1, safety barriers prevented me from […]
Bay Bridge Assay 1
2015-11-05: Bay Bridge Assay 1, our first visit to the new span with mic and camera. My friend Martin and I conducted wikiGong’s first recording of the new eastern span of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge in November 2015. I’d wondered about the Bay Bridge for a while: after the Golden Gate, it seemed like […]
back in the saddle
…and riding through the ruins… The good news is that Studio One has risen again, fully functional, minus the expansion channels sacrificed to Wanderlust. Shakedown testing presented an opportunity to record a couple of “etudes”: nothing ambitious, just a bit of fun to post. The bad news? Cameras are dropping like flies! Etude #1: Back […]
that time of year again
…in which we apply for the tenth and final Long Beach SoundWalk…. As of today, we’ve only sent in our proposal, along with this image based on Jacob’s photo. Our inspiration is to get back to wikiGong’s primary mission and present something at SoundWalk 2013 once again involving field recordings of massive infrastructure. The result […]
a gong is retired
…in which we bid farewell to the former WNIU transmitter tower. Well, it happened just a few months after we captured it. Northern Illinois University’s Kishwaukee Hall was demolished in the early fall, and with it the old WNIU tower, whose singing cables we mic’ed on July 20, 2009. Had I been less intent on […]