nearing the finish line
…in which I pronounce the 2011 makeover nearly done [Update 2020-04-23: This post is a bit of history. As we are retiring both our ccHost and MediWiki pages, links below have been replaced to maintain access to the original content or removed if no longer applicable.] When starting this in May, I was sure it […]
a mobile world, in progress
…in which we brood on the contemporary milieu. I’m training the smartphone as I write this. Multi-tasking turns out to be ironic after all. Just back from Beijing and once again a completely different experience from last time. What’s changed? WordPress. I can blog from nearly anywhere. Android. Actually, it’s changed but no better, really, […]
decisions, decisions….
…in which we circle WordPress like a cat around the stewpot, while our thoughts run on ahead. As with any tools investigation, it’s great to have a pilot project in mind. In this case we’ve got more than one, which may be a problem: Tuning up the static pages’ look and feel in preparation for […]
checkin’ in
…in which we spend our time upgrading tools rather than our content. Well, it’s been a month of web stats and we remain a sleepy little site, a largely undiscovered country. After downloading a few web tools, including Google’s, and submitting sitemaps for crawling, we can see that we’re…well, crawled, but hardly popular. That’s OK. […]
wikiGong home…at last
…in which we lose all, yet still snatch victory from the jaws of oblivion. After posting…and reposting…and republishing…and re-exporting, at last we find out what caused the video to hang. Attention RapidWeaver users! Do not add a sidebar picture to a QuickTime movies page. I’ll report this to RealMac at some point. And somehow, while […]
success so far, and errata
…in which we ascertain the site is functional, and slightly flawed. If you haven’t been in on the hours-long conversations, this is the new audio sharing site anchored by the Golden Gate bridge project I’ve been obsessing over. This kind of crept up on me as I thought I’d be playing around with the html […]
omg it’s going live
…in which events overtake us in a big way. Uploading files is like hanging in the castle tower waiting for the lightning to strike. File by file, first the video and now the audio files are inching their way ftp-ward. I really hadn’t meant it to get this far already but need to do a […]