rewriting history
We come in peace.
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Spam by Meme
Source material for Oracle du Jour, part of our Long Beach SoundWalk 2012 project. All but the introduction was ported directly from our former wiki.
our next overhaul
We’ll soon port most of our sound libraries to other sites, dump unused platform features, and get back to field exploration.
gettin’ a buzz on
Our version of office bingo, as posted on our wiki 2012/08/15 by songmaster and since much amended and tweaked.
a sonic challenge
…in which we also post a retread and a promise… My pal Dave Hood recently left me some tips about how to approach the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct to get a field recording.
collectors’ items
…in which I contemplate broken dolls and the sequencer of my dreams. I had the joy of a delayed childhood with regard to electronic music, which I discovered as a real thing sometime around 1985. I had no protracted formal music education nor did I dive into the mean street scene of late 1970’s New […]
found, unsought
…in which… Serendipity. A word learned from my father on a—very rare!—fishing expedition in a rented boat. On a more typical Saturday, we’d be flying in a rented Cessna 150 somewhere over the Miami-Whitewater Forest in southwestern Ohio, or waiting around on the ground, or just hanging with the neighbors. But once in a while, […]
SoundWalk 2012 (notes)
Ported from our former wiki, this page collects our working notes from the Long Beach SoundWalk 2012 project.