filmredigering, Stockholm

…in which we work on our upcoming roadshow…from the road. Deadlines come in many forms, but the only ones that absorb my full attention these days seem to be performances. Since these are usually far away from the studio, readiness involves getting the media files done well in advance—or at least a bit ahead of […]
found, unsought

…in which… Serendipity. A word learned from my father on a—very rare!—fishing expedition in a rented boat. On a more typical Saturday, we’d be flying in a rented Cessna 150 somewhere over the Miami-Whitewater Forest in southwestern Ohio, or waiting around on the ground, or just hanging with the neighbors. But once in a while, […]
the last SoundWalk

Well, there we were…as always, right where we weren’t supposed to be…at SoundWalk 2013 in Long Beach. Back near our starting point, actually, over on 3rd Street between Elm Ave. and Long Beach Blvd. For three of the last four years we’ve been within a few doorways of the same spot. Igor Amokian was out […]
Friday Night in Stockholm, with Super Fly: Trolling for Memes
…in which we note 304 trackback spams since August 29…. OK, once in a great while we still get to travel on business and then end up in the hotel checking email and the state of the web site on a Friday night because that’s just how it is. And the spam keeps on coming! […]
ringing out 2011…with a backlog
…in which we contemplate our sense of time Can’t say I’m sad to see this one in the rearview mirror. Conventional wisdom re: wishing one’s life away aside, I usually prefer forging ahead to looking back. 2011 started well enough—full of real accomplishments for me, and here at wikiGong—but it’s ended up over budget and […]
back from the brink of history
…in which we discover the Missouri. One reward for having friends and relatives in the arts is the opportunity to sample the serendipity that comes with making a living thereby, without being shackled to any particular variety yourself. Last weekend found us in Arrow Rock, Missouri, visiting our daughter, who’s on hiatus from Denver to […]