terrible twos
…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]
tidying up
…in which we sweep up before guests arrive. As we prepare to formally launch wikiGong as a public site this fall, there’s still a lot to do. The web site is still fairly disjointed, with three very loosely linked regions–home, wiki, and sounds–and two different membership lists. We’ll be launched before that’s all fixed, but […]
the wiki is coming! the wiki is coming!
…in which we find ourselves once again about to cross over. We installed MediaWiki on the site host this past Saturday (scripts on GoDaddy made this trivial). No easy link to the wiki exist on the main page as yet because we’re too busy to set the necessary policies. Even if no one is really […]
another day, more wonderfulness
…in which the mail does not come. Well, it turns out the contact form edits yesterday were a trifle ham-handed, so if you emailed today — that would be 2009-July-28 — well, it probably got lost. All my fault. Try again if your patience allows…. And we will repost the GG bridge assay #1 one […]
success so far, and errata
…in which we ascertain the site is functional, and slightly flawed. If you haven’t been in on the hours-long conversations, this is the new audio sharing site anchored by the Golden Gate bridge project I’ve been obsessing over. This kind of crept up on me as I thought I’d be playing around with the html […]
…in which we find ourselves embarked. …two…one…ignition… Ladies and gentlemen, we have ignition. The files are uploaded. Let the debugging begin! First, the video seems to have a problem. Not sure what it is or whether it’s only on certain browsers. Could be an MP4 codec issue. Could be lots of things. We’ll try some […]
omg it’s going live
…in which events overtake us in a big way. Uploading files is like hanging in the castle tower waiting for the lightning to strike. File by file, first the video and now the audio files are inching their way ftp-ward. I really hadn’t meant it to get this far already but need to do a […]
site prep and *woah!* Ts & Cs
…in which our webmaster buys a site hosting upgrade. OK, that was scary. We almost had advertising. No free hosting here, no way. The usual caveats about free lunch apply, blah, blah. And navigating the legalese surrounding one’s web hosting agreement is yet another matter. But we have now succeeded in activating those assets purchased […]
wikiGong countdown

…in which we breathe deeply in rapt anticipation. Eight months in the making…or is it twenty years? wikiGong is about to launch…. Back in the Eighties I was a member of one or more of the disintegrating-reintegrating electronic/rock/blues bands — it really was hard to tell how many — that percolated on one particular Midwest […]