ice fishing
…in which I admit to moonlighting again It’s been quite a week here for re-creation: that is, I am relearning the lessons of getting launched, reconfigured, and launched again, as I apply them to Now that we’re in that site’s third trimester, it seemed a little attention was in order, so on January […]
terrible twos
…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]
nearing the finish line
…in which I pronounce the 2011 makeover nearly done [Update 2020-04-23: This post is a bit of history. As we are retiring both our ccHost and MediWiki pages, links below have been replaced to maintain access to the original content or removed if no longer applicable.] When starting this in May, I was sure it […]
decisions, decisions….
…in which we circle WordPress like a cat around the stewpot, while our thoughts run on ahead. As with any tools investigation, it’s great to have a pilot project in mind. In this case we’ve got more than one, which may be a problem: Tuning up the static pages’ look and feel in preparation for […]
a new day, a new tool
…in which we contemplate what it is to blog. A bit over two years into this experiment, we’ve started to recognize how some of our habits fit into the Web 2.0 Zeitgeist. For example, a significant part of what we–the site admins here at–are doing online is blogging: talking about our projects, thought patterns, […]
we are wikied
…in which we admit to a two week obsession and release the hounds. Well, the wiki will celebrate its second week anniversary Sunday. We’ve been dumping much of our spare time into learning the MediaWiki markup language, resizing photos, and re-outlining outlines. The great thing is that it works, and from all over the world […]
the wiki is coming! the wiki is coming!
…in which we find ourselves once again about to cross over. We installed MediaWiki on the site host this past Saturday (scripts on GoDaddy made this trivial). No easy link to the wiki exist on the main page as yet because we’re too busy to set the necessary policies. Even if no one is really […]
at last, a little fun
…in which we lose our YouTube virginity. Thanks, Robin! Let’s see if that works…. We’ve replaced the old video embed with a YouTube player and playlist. You’ll note the video had to be re-edited to get down to under-ten-minute segments, so there’s a break between the two sections that hopefully won’t be too annoying. Well, […]
a satori of sorts
…in which we realize it’s more complicated than that. OK, so this morning I tried out the site from the Beta PC platform (not the Alpha Mac) and got a surprise. The video link resulted—after about 25 minutes of downloading—in video. In a frame, on a new tab, playing like it should. QuickTime. Video. Huh. […]