a sonic challenge

…in which we also post a retread and a promise… My pal Dave Hood recently left me some tips about how to approach the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct to get a field recording.
editsville in transit

…in which we toil over the inner harbor channel with mouse and camera. Transit is one act of our A LOT 2014 presentation the Floating Bridge of Dreams. It was initially envisioned as the opening act, and might still turn out to be…assuming we can overcome our fear of daylight. That’s because our 6:30 evening […]
and yet another audio experiment
…in which we attempt to revert to Martin Laine’s “Audio” plug-in thanks to Safari’s behavior. [Update 2020-04-23: Invalid wpAudioPlayer domain link removed.] Let’s repeat the experiment with the variant syntax: Brooklyn Bridge handrail [audio:http://wikigong.com/cchost/content/Mr_Yesterday/Mr_Yesterday_-_BB_handrail_01.mp3] Golden Gate Bridge handrail [audio:http://wikigong.com/cchost/content/Mr_Yesterday/Mr_Yesterday_-_GGB_handrail_SEW.mp3] And the result is…. [Update 2020-04-23: Plug-in syntax became invalid when HTML5 support was introduced to […]