rewriting history
We come in peace.
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our next overhaul
We’ll soon port most of our sound libraries to other sites, dump unused platform features, and get back to field exploration.
WordPress…civilization…where will it end?
…in which we consider our third—or is it our fourth?—makeover…. Some time last year the various web and cultural planets I follow—perfunctorily, even lazily, I have to admit—came into alignment. I had an epiphany about the work we’re doing here at That is, an epiphany about our web page, not about the various things […]
now we are three
…in which we bemoan current travel restrictions, and admit distraction. Another year older, and a bit less to show for it, at least this side of 2011. wikiGong turned three July 26, 2012. Since last fall, we’ve had fewer travel opportunities—though audio recording gear has accompanied every trip we have managed—and have been a bit […]
wiki troubles
…in which we once more feel the pain of webmastering… Today started out bright and sunny with a fine breakfast and a quick look at the website revealing slow performance and database connection errors. These came and went, and by afternoon everything looked fine. Maybe it was just network congestion, or the last of those […]
confessions of a project junkie
…in which I admit to beating around the bush. To the end, I will insist all this hemming and hawing may lead to meaningful accomplishment. Over the course of two weekends, I’ve managed to hammer the wikiGong site into a slightly more approachable—or at least more familiar?—form. A few things are starting to work as […]
decisions, decisions….
…in which we circle WordPress like a cat around the stewpot, while our thoughts run on ahead. As with any tools investigation, it’s great to have a pilot project in mind. In this case we’ve got more than one, which may be a problem: Tuning up the static pages’ look and feel in preparation for […]
a new day, a new tool
…in which we contemplate what it is to blog. A bit over two years into this experiment, we’ve started to recognize how some of our habits fit into the Web 2.0 Zeitgeist. For example, a significant part of what we–the site admins here at–are doing online is blogging: talking about our projects, thought patterns, […]