rewriting history

We come in peace.
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the GGB turns seventy five
…in which history repeats itself…. Couldn’t let the day go by without noting the event, though thousands of others have marked it already. A few of my favorites: Golden Gate Bridge Opening May 27, 1937 Pedestrian Walk Golden Gate Bridge Under Construction Golden Gate Opus with the Marin Symphony The SF Chronicle’s take
wiki troubles
…in which we once more feel the pain of webmastering… Today started out bright and sunny with a fine breakfast and a quick look at the website revealing slow performance and database connection errors. These came and went, and by afternoon everything looked fine. Maybe it was just network congestion, or the last of those […]
terrible twos
…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]
nearing the finish line
…in which I pronounce the 2011 makeover nearly done [Update 2020-04-23: This post is a bit of history. As we are retiring both our ccHost and MediWiki pages, links below have been replaced to maintain access to the original content or removed if no longer applicable.] When starting this in May, I was sure it […]
tidying up
…in which we sweep up before guests arrive. As we prepare to formally launch wikiGong as a public site this fall, there’s still a lot to do. The web site is still fairly disjointed, with three very loosely linked regions–home, wiki, and sounds–and two different membership lists. We’ll be launched before that’s all fixed, but […]
putting alligators in the moat
…in which we note the waters are cloudy, just right for sharks…. We’ve been busy, though it may not show. After the wikiGong sounds launch, the focus has been on sampling and composition. There’s new stuff on the sounds site, including a number of Jacob’s oil pump recordings and the first of the European bronzes […]
vandalbot wars
We continue our efforts to protect the site from vandalism while cleaving as close to the open wiki spirit as we dare.
we are shared
…in which we unveil wikiGong sounds. But Ma! I’ve always liked playing with fire…. The link to our left will take you to the wikiGong sounds pages without delay, warts and all. It’s not polished to perfection and maybe never will be, but it’s the last major building block envisioned when we lit up the […]