rewriting history

We come in peace.
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our next overhaul

We’ll soon port most of our sound libraries to other sites, dump unused platform features, and get back to field exploration.
WordPress…civilization…where will it end?

…in which we consider our third—or is it our fourth?—makeover…. Some time last year the various web and cultural planets I follow—perfunctorily, even lazily, I have to admit—came into alignment. I had an epiphany about the work we’re doing here at That is, an epiphany about our web page, not about the various things […]
dowsing ccMixter
…in which we continue the search for our lost tribe…. Dave’s been cross-posting material to for the past week or so and is planning to push out a bit more. Presenting our compiled efforts here, at our Sounds site, is great—we reuse the ccHost technology, demonstrate its power, get our own stuff out […]
terrible twos
…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]
confessions of a project junkie
…in which I admit to beating around the bush. To the end, I will insist all this hemming and hawing may lead to meaningful accomplishment. Over the course of two weekends, I’ve managed to hammer the wikiGong site into a slightly more approachable—or at least more familiar?—form. A few things are starting to work as […]
decisions, decisions….
…in which we circle WordPress like a cat around the stewpot, while our thoughts run on ahead. As with any tools investigation, it’s great to have a pilot project in mind. In this case we’ve got more than one, which may be a problem: Tuning up the static pages’ look and feel in preparation for […]
we are shared
…in which we unveil wikiGong sounds. But Ma! I’ve always liked playing with fire…. The link to our left will take you to the wikiGong sounds pages without delay, warts and all. It’s not polished to perfection and maybe never will be, but it’s the last major building block envisioned when we lit up the […]
a few more orbits before firing Stage 3
…in which we scrub the ccHost launch and look for a new window. shhhhh! ccHost is installed and running on wikiGong! In many ways, the last month has been a blast: hacking php and java scripts; wrestling with a new and pretty complex tool set; posting, reloading, making mistakes — I’ve completely hidden or blown […]