gettin’ a buzz on
…aka Buzz, as presented at Soundwalk 2011 and reprised many times since…
Foreshadowed by Our SoundWalk 2011 Statement
It was foreshadowed by a statement cross-posted to the Long Beach SoundWalk artists’ pages.
It moved on to ccMixter fame
Give a listen to “Buzz Phrases-Dave”, “Buzz Phrases-Becky”, and “Buzz Phrases-Jacob”.
It spread to our blog
At “SoundWalk 2011”.
Now it’s here…
gettin’ a buzz on
Anyone who’s spent much time working in a white collar environment has heard some of these. This is especially true in the kind of environment that encourages PowerPoint as a communication medium. The corporate choral music of the spheres: so ubiquitous, you can’t hear it.
- low-hanging fruit
- at the end of the day
- capture the benefits
- to be honest
- bottom line
- paradigm shift
- monetize
- feed the network
- eyeballs
- mindshare
- buzz
- robust
- synergy
- prioritize
- critical path
- resource allocation
- action item (“I’ll take that action item.”)
- task (verb: “I’ve been tasked with that.”)
- creative (noun: “Are you a creative?”)
- deliverables
- team player
- Hail Mary pass
- huddle
- strategize
- socialize (meaning “discuss”)
- driving/driver
- cost center
- profit center
- orientated
- 80/20
- learning curve
- he’s a man of action
- mission-critical
- do some horse-trading
- clear the air
- level playing field
- transition the company (or any use of “transition” as a verb)
- grow the business
- customer-focused
- shareholder value
- it’s a win-win
- tee it up
- severely impacted (or any use of “impact” as a verb)
- cardiovascular-wise (or any use of “-wise” as a suffix)
- impactful
- viral
- viral marketing
- networking
- 24/7, 24/7/365
- on-ramp/off-ramp
- 411
- app/killer app
- smartsourcing
- outsourcing
- rightsizing
- tiger team
- google that
- on the radar/below the radar
- solution
- process-oriented
- e-learning
- i-_
- goodput
- architect (verb: “architected for robustness”)
- five nines
- six sigma
- blackbelt
- _-killer
- irregardless
- thought pattern
- vision thing/vision
- Java-speak (or any use of “-speak” as a suffix)
- due diligence
- milestone
- product lifecycle management process (or subsets thereof)
- gate
- toll gate
- swim lane
- manage expectations
- put a tack in it
- bright-light it
- risk-based decisioning
- bring to the table
- alignment
- diversity
- empowerment
- exit strategy
- face-time
- F2F
- generation
- globalization
- grow
- leverage
- on the runway
- organic growth
- outside the box
- proactive
- scripted
- sea change
- spin up
- streamline
- survival strategy
- wellness
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- accountable
- invested in
- run like a business
- analytics
- bake in
- ballpark figure
- bandwidth
- basis of estimate (BOE)
- best of breed
- best practice
- bizmeth (short for “business method”)
- brand (especially as verb)
- branding
- brick-and-mortar
- bricks-and-clicks
- business process outsourcing (BPO)
- business-to-business (B2B)
- business-to-consumer (B2C)
- buzzword compliant
- building capabilities
- center of excellence (COE)
- client-centric
- co-opetition
- core competency
- customer-centric mindset
- drink the Kool-Aid
- early adopter
- eat your own dogfood
- entitlement
- enterprise
- event horizon
- fit and finish
- free value
- fulfillment issues
- granularity
- green field
- herding cats
- holistic approach, holistic integration
- in the loop
- knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
- logistics
- long tail
- look and feel
- make it pop
- metric
- mission critical
- new economy
- next generation
- offshoring
- pain point
- return on investment (ROI)
- reverse fulfillment
- rightshoring
- seamless (integration)
- share options
- SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley)
- sustainability
- target-rich environment
- value-added
- visibility (e.g. management visibility)
- 3G
- aggregator
- Ajax
- benchmarking
- back-end
- beta
- bleeding edge
- blog
- clickthrough
- cloud
- collaboration
- content management
- content management system (CMS)
- convergence
- cross-platform
- design pattern
- digital divide
- digital remastering
- digital rights management (DRM)
- digital signage
- document management
- dot-bomb
- download
- e-learning
- engine
- enterprise content management (ECM)
- enterprise service bus (ESB)
- framework
- freemium
- folksonomy
- fuzzy logic
- immersion
- information superhighway/information highway
- innovation
- mashup
- mobile
- modularity
- nanotechnology
- netiquette
- next generation (also “NextGen”)
- pizzazz
- podcasting
- point person
- portal
- prosumer
- real-time
- SaaS
- scalability
- social bookmarking
- social software
- spam
- Struts
- sync-up
- tagging
- think outside the box
- transmedia
- user generated content
- virtualization
- vlogging
- vortal
- Web 2.0
- webinar
- weblog
- web services
- wikiality
- workflow
- information society
- political capital
- stakeholder
- long pole in the tent
- key contributor
- main thrust
- shortest route
- common wisdom
- crowd sourcing
- team building
- on message
- off topic
- hot topic
- let’s get this show on the road
- the show must go on
- sacrifice
- power through
- followthrough
- suck it up
- cross-functional team (CFT)
- keep your head down
- heads up
But we are amateurs. For the mother lode, see Wikipedia’s List of Buzzwords.
From the former wikiGong Main pages: “This page was last modified on 18 March 2018, at 19:53. Page created 21:33, 15 August 2012 by Wikimaster.”