the wiki is coming! the wiki is coming!

…in which we find ourselves once again about to cross over.

We installed MediaWiki on the site host this past Saturday (scripts on GoDaddy made this trivial). No easy link to the wiki exist on the main page as yet because we’re too busy to set the necessary policies. Even if no one is really looking at the site, YOU NEVER KNOW because there’s this implied responsibility thing. That link’s coming soon.

Meanwhile RapidWeaver has just announced an upgrade and now all pages show changes. Time for rev C; might as well get the wiki and the new revision all packaged in one deal. I am sincerely hoping these updates cause no more of a ripple than their predecessors — that is, no more than an evening of angst for me and none for users.

Jake has found that the ccMixter folks — while busy pupating into their next [quasi-corporate] stage — have updated the ccMixter host engine; 5.1 is available for installation onto other sites, such as ours. Are we contemplating this? You betcha! Perhaps the answer to our prayers — though the 4.5 version was posted over two years ago! — and soon a means for submissions to pour in.

Gotta run. If you’ve read this far, check out the wiki. [Update 2020-04-23: Link has been removed as our wiki space is being retired.]