pretty but dangerous

…in which we ponder WordPress, Web 2.0, and brinkmanship. Let’s take them in reverse order…. Brinkmanship. Sucks. But enough about the US debt ceiling, Congress, and network news. While the world ground down its own axle on this self-parody of US braggadocio, I was busy trying to get Google Analytics working again after the site […]

where’s my Future?

Posted by on Jul 31, 2011 in blog, gongs, projects, wikiGong | 2 Comments

…in which we mark the passing of July. A couple of F-series jets flew over the house this afternoon—I’m guessing en route to Moffett Field, maybe returning from the Travis AFB air show—and dropped a few aviation sound effects into the day along with a bit of military color (gray). As I mentioned in my […]

terrible twos

…in which we contemplate our second birthday. The wikiGong website will be two years old tomorrow, July 26, 2011. You can read about the trepidation leading up to the launch on our first blog entry—wikiGong countdown—or by following the countdown tag. The site is eight months younger than the domain name registration, but it’s the […]

nearing the finish line

…in which I pronounce the 2011 makeover nearly done [Update 2020-04-23: This post is a bit of history. As we are retiring both our ccHost and MediWiki pages, links below have been replaced to maintain access to the original content or removed if no longer applicable.] When starting this in May, I was sure it […]

and yet another audio experiment

Posted by on May 31, 2011 in audio, blog, site design, wikiGong sounds | 3 Comments

…in which we attempt to revert to Martin Laine’s “Audio” plug-in thanks to Safari’s behavior. [Update 2020-04-23: Invalid wpAudioPlayer domain link removed.] Let’s repeat the experiment with the variant syntax: Brooklyn Bridge handrail [audio:] Golden Gate Bridge handrail [audio:] And the result is…. [Update 2020-04-23: Plug-in syntax became invalid when HTML5 support was introduced to […]

confessions of a project junkie

…in which I admit to beating around the bush. To the end, I will insist all this hemming and hawing may lead to meaningful accomplishment. Over the course of two weekends, I’ve managed to hammer the wikiGong site into a slightly more approachable—or at least more familiar?—form. A few things are starting to work as […]

another audio experiment

…in which we attempt to use the “Degradable HTML5 audio and video” plug-in from Pavel Soukenik. This should be really simple, if we can provide a valid reference. Let’s see: Brooklyn Bridge handrail Golden Gate Bridge handrail Pretty clean and very quick. Links are directly to the downloadable mp3 files in our Sounds. It worries […]

a mobile world, in progress

Posted by on Apr 2, 2011 in blog, tools, wikiGong, WordPress | One Comment

…in which we brood on the contemporary milieu. I’m training the smartphone as I write this. Multi-tasking turns out to be ironic after all. Just back from Beijing and once again a completely different experience from last time. What’s changed? WordPress. I can blog from nearly anywhere. Android. Actually, it’s changed but no better, really, […]

playback time?

…in which we attempt to wed ccHost audio to a blog entry. Continuing our tour of the WordPress empire, it’s time to see how the sonic dimension might be handled.  This post is an excuse to exercise the Audiobar plug-in and others. For example, can we add an audio link to wikiGong Sounds material: Take me […]

decisions, decisions….

…in which we circle WordPress like a cat around the stewpot, while our thoughts run on ahead. As with any tools investigation, it’s great to have a pilot project in mind. In this case we’ve got more than one, which may be a problem: Tuning up the static pages’ look and feel in preparation for […]