pretty but dangerous

…in which we ponder WordPress, Web 2.0, and brinkmanship. Let’s take them in reverse order…. Brinkmanship. Sucks. But enough about the US debt ceiling, Congress, and network news. While the world ground down its own axle on this self-parody of US braggadocio, I was busy trying to get Google Analytics working again after the site […]

a new day, a new tool

a new day, a new tool

…in which we contemplate what it is to blog. A bit over two years into this experiment, we’ve started to recognize how some of our habits fit into the Web 2.0 Zeitgeist. For example, a significant part of what we–the site admins here at–are doing online is blogging: talking about our projects, thought patterns, […]

at last, a little fun

…in which we lose our YouTube virginity. Thanks, Robin! Let’s see if that works…. We’ve replaced the old video embed with a YouTube player and playlist. You’ll note the video had to be re-edited to get down to under-ten-minute segments, so there’s a break between the two sections that hopefully won’t be too annoying. Well, […]