2012-07-02: A sampling of the insect night life in Arrow Rock, Missouri.
July of 2012 found us in Arrow Rock, Missouri again. The nocturnal insects there are very loud throughout the night in midsummer, and the taller the trees, the thicker they seem to cluster. This progression of five hand-held recordings goes from young, low trees in yards to larger ones by the road, culminating in a granddaddy catalpa: the biggest tree, and the loudest track. Good separation if you listen in stereo and crank up the volume.
July 02, 2012
File Arrow Rock Nocturne 01 at freesound.org
File Arrow Rock Nocturne 02 at freesound.org
File Arrow Rock Nocturne 03 at freesound.org
File Arrow Rock Nocturne 04 at freesound.org
File Arrow Rock Nocturne 05 at freesound.org
All audio files on this page now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2012, 2020 D A Ayer.