2011-02-20: A tour of Denver’s bronze statuary, from Civic Center Park to Writer Square.

We walked all over Denver on a Sunday in late February 2011. The day started blustery and stayed that way. Denver’s statuary was strummed vigorously by gusty winds so we took advantage and conducted a few interviews.

Stalking wild bronze

Starting near the Denver Art Museum, we worked our way across Thirteenth Avenue and through Civic Center Park, past throngs of demonstrators against Middle Eastern governments at the Colorado State Capitol. On reflection, the rally probably did us a favor by drawing the local constabulary’s attention away from sound samplers and toward peaceful protest.

Bronco Buster by A Phimister Proctor

Most of these pieces are in pedestrian areas, away from heavy vehicular traffic, so the wind was the prime stimulus. As a result, several of the recordings came out a bit faint; they were normalized before posting. The noise floor is clearly audible following the normalization process, but some of the resonance comes through as well.

There are two equestrians and one winged horse in this sample, so this added a bit to our long term Rhetoric of Equestrian Bronze collection. And while most of the works were hollow bronze, diSuvero’s “Lao Tzu” is made of plates and beams of construction steel; that recording turned out noisy, bright, and almost strident compared to the bronze.

Sights and sounds

February 20, 2011

Dan Ostermiller's sculpture Scottish Cow and Calf

Mark diSuvero’s “Lao Tzu” (1994) stands between the Denver Art Museum’s north building and the library, just north of 13th Avenue.

File Denver Sculpture Lao Tsu at freesound.org

Sculpture Lao Tsu by Mark diSuvero

Lions guard the Greek amphitheater at the south entrance to the Civic Center Park green. An in-line hockey match was being set up as we arrived. Note the Denver skyline, full of construction cranes.

File Denver Sculpture Lion at freesound.org

Bronze lion in Denver's Civic Center Park

“On the War Trail” by Alexander Phimister Proctor (ca. 1920) stands near the center of Civic Center Park, facing north.

File Denver Sculpture On the War Trail at freesound.org

Sculpture On the War Trail by A P Proctor

Sculpture Bronco Buster by A P Proctor

“In Honor of Cristoforo Colombo” by William F Joseph (1970) is near the north entrance to the big green of Civic Center Park.

File Denver Sculpture Columbus at freesound.org

Sculpture In Honor of Cristoforo Colombo by William F Joseph

The Sea Lion Fountain by Robert Garrison (1922) was conveniently drained for the winter. Listen for the sound of Cait’s boots in the marble basin.

File Denver Sculpture Sea Lion Fountain at freesound.org

Sea lion fountain head by Robert Garrison

Denver capitol Liberty Bell copy

“Millennium” by Sandy Scott (ca. 1999) rears up in downtown Denver’s Writer Square. The first recording was taken from the left wing; the second take was taken with the microphone on the horse’s belly.

File Denver Sculpture Pegasus at freesound.org

File Denver Sculpture Pegasus Take 02 at freesound.org

Pegasus sculture 'Millennium' by Sandy Scott

Creative Commons License
All audio files on this page now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2011, 2020 D A Ayer.

Photos © 2011 Caitlin Ayer

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