a mobile world, in progress

Posted by on Apr 2, 2011 in blog, tools, wikiGong, WordPress | One Comment

…in which we brood on the contemporary milieu.

I’m training the smartphone as I write this. Multi-tasking turns out to be ironic after all. Just back from Beijing and once again a completely different experience from last time. What’s changed?

  1. WordPress. I can blog from nearly anywhere.
  2. Android. Actually, it’s changed but no better, really, for blogging.
  3. Beijing. Scary fast changes there, but the coal smoke remains the same.

Global business demanding most of my attention, there was little chance of capturing new sound; in that sense, a wasted opportunity. But there was time to finish the RapidWeaver gongBlog import, convert tags and categories, troubleshoot themes, and clean up old newbie mistakes.

[end  mobile edit session]

OK, we have now found this draft on a real screen and macro keyboard. Switching to higher gear. Lessons learned:

  • Don’t confuse a page with a post. It’s really easy to do on the small screen, then confusing as hell on the big one (where did it go?). OK, we’re so over that….
  • Saving drafts is easier than it looks. That’s a new screen that just opened on the mobile when Preview was pressed.
  • Mobile typing itself is pretty painful. Voice-to-text, voice-to-text: need this installed as soon as possible. It’s not hard to tidy up a transcript, but very slow to train these fingers to use a touchscreen the right way. (Is there a right way?)

Still, these are the days of miracle and wonder. Posting from the phone. Amazing….

1 Comment

  1. ringing out 2011…with a backlog | wikiGong

    […] catchy titles—even creating raw photos and video footage—all went very well. And the WordPress conversion really delivered mobility and convenience. But getting things typed in while they were still fresh […]